An elderly couple returns home from meeting with a doctor about their increasingly frequent bouts of forgetfulness. The doctor recommended that they write down as much as they can to help them remember what they’ve done, and what they need or want to do.

The wife makes herself comfortable in her favorite chair, and asks her husband, “What are you going to do?”

The husband answers, “I’m hungry. I’m going to make myself something to eat. Can I get anything for you?”

The wife says, “Yes, that would be nice. I’d like to have a piece of cake.”

The husband says, “OK.”

The wife asks, “Do you want to write that down?”

The husband says, “No I got it. Cake. Easy.”

The wife adds, “I’d love some strawberries with it, too.”

The husband replies, “Cake with strawberries. OK.” He turns to go into the kitchen.

The wife calls after him, “Oh, and put some of that whipped cream on top of the strawberries, please.”

The busband says, “OK.”

The wife asks, “Do you want to write that down?”

The husband says, “No, I can remember that. Cake, strawberries, and whipped cream,” and then walks into the kitchen.

Half an hour later, the husband comes back into the room, carrying a plate with scrambled eggs and bacon.

The wife looks at him and asks, “Where’s the toast?”